Nairn welcomes Graham Short, the famous micro-artist who engraved The Lord’s Prayer on the head of a pin, and the words ‘Nothing is Impossible’ along the sharp edge of a razor blade.

In celebration of Her Majesty’s 90th birthday he recently engraved the world’s smallest portrait of the Queen on a speck of gold inside the eye of a needle.

He works from midnight to 5.00 am, to avoid unwanted vibration from passing traffic.

By being super fit for his age swimming 5,000 m every day He is able to control his breathing by lowering his heart rate to 20 beats a minute.

He checks this by wearing a stethoscope he engraves between heartbeats when he is perfectly still.

Why not pop along to Nairn and see Graham as he discusses his talent and why he is one of the worlds leading figures in micro engraving art.

See Graham at:
Nairn Art & Book Festival 12pm, Wednesday 31st August 2016 at 12pm at The Little Theatre, Nairn.