Ewa Czarniecka

Ewa Czarniecka was born 1975 in eastern Poland and began her education at the Institute of Fine Art in Czestochowa. Two years later she decided to change her university and moved to Lublin to continue her artistic education at the Marie Curie Skladowska University.

Since 2002 she has focused on producing paintings which create the illusion of different atmospheres and moods in urban landscapes.

She explained, “I am attracted to the atmosphere of cities; the bright lights, noise, the vitality. My paintings explore the way that light falls in a city, how it casts shadows and reflections, how it pierces the darkness. I enjoy painting streets, markets, cafes – seeing how people behave – painting them in stillness or in frantic motion.”

Ewa’s paintings have featured in a number of solo and group exhibitions.

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